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Call Programmes

Digital saltation

Digital saltation

This action aims at the digital transformation of very small, small and medium sized enterprises. Budget:  51.600.000 Euros  The action is co-financed by Greece and the European Union - European Regional Development Fund

Submission Period

Start of Submissions: June 11, 2018 End of submissions: September 17, 2018


Operating very small, small and medium sized enterprises, which have been operating for more than (2)  two years by the date of the application submission and they do own at least one selectable by the Program activity code number (ΚΑΔ) Annex IV NON-ELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES (CSD).

Funding scheme  

Business Plans with budget from 55.000 up to 400.000 euros The co-financing  rate is 50%.

Subsidized expenditures

  • Supply, transportation, installation and operation of new machinery and other ICT equipment necessary for the operation of the business and the provision of services
  • Digital advertising (google ads, facebook ads)
  • Digital content creation
  • Digital security
  • Data transportation
  • Software delivery and customization
  • Online shop essential with features:
    • At least 2 languages
    • Mobile responsive
    • Ordering, storage and electronic payments software
  • Services related to:
    • hosting (hosting, collocation)
    • Internet connection
    • digital advertising (google ads, facebook ads)
    • development of digital advertising material
    • development and / or certification of digital security policy,
    • data transfer or software customization
  • Wage cost of employees (new staff).


consulting idea

GRAFES LP Business Consultants identifies the suitable call for your investment and provides you with free pre-evaluation.

project funding Final Disbursement of the Subsidy GRAFES Lp Business Consultants drafts, submits and manages your proposal for project funding until the Final Disbursement of the Subsidy .

We remain at your disposal for any further information you may require and want to discuss with us, and available to recommend the best solution for your business


consultans thessaloniki logo GRAFES Lp Business Consultans Thessaloniki
St.Dragoumanou 21 Zip54629
Thessaloniki Greece


Our goal is to be immediately informed about the availability of practical solutions that can help optimize the dynamics and enhance the efficiency of your business

Gps coordinates N 40 38.649, E 22 55.979

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