Previous Development Laws


NSRF Partnership Agreement (PA)

Programming Periods NSRF Partnership Agreement (PA)

NSRF Partnership Agreement (PA) 2021-2027

The new "Regional Development Partnership 2021-2027" ("NSRF 2021-2027") largely reflects the new priorities of the European Commission and the new development priorities of Greece for the coming years. It was approved by the European Commission on 29 July 2021 and according to it, a total of €26.2 billion of resources will be made available for our country over the next 7 years, of which €20.9 billion is EU support and €5.3 billion is the National Contribution. Greece is the first EU Member State to make a formal submission and be approved for the "2021-2027 Regional Development Partnership" for the new programming period. The new "NSRF 2021-2027" reflects and sets priorities for strengthening the productive potential of the economy, infrastructure, human skills and strengthening social protection. The projects/actions to be funded by the new NSRF take into account the specific conditions and needs of the country in the coming years and respond to the structural shortcomings of the Greek economy. At the same time, major projects launched under the NSRF 2014-2020 are being continued and completed. The new "NSRF 2021-2027" has a strong growth footprint through high value-added actions and projects with multiplier benefits for both society and the economy - after the pandemic crisis - contributing greatly to the start of a new cycle of prosperity for all.

To inform interested parties promptly about the scheduling of calls for proposals from the NSRF 2021-2027 Programmes, as foreseen in the EU Regulation 1060/2021, information on the expected calls, addressed to institutions, businesses and individuals, is posted at least three times a year.

Expected calls per Programme:


Regional Programmes

  • Eastern Macedonia, Thrace
  • Epirus
  • Thessaly
  • Central Greece
  • Attica
  • Western Greece
  • Peloponnese
  • North Aegean
  • Crete
  • South Aegean

Sectoral Programmes

  • Competitiveness
  • Human Resources and Social Cohesion
  • Digital Transformation
  • Environment and Climate Change
  • Transport
  • Civil Protection
  • Just Development Transition

NSRF Partnership Agreement (PA) 2014-2020

The PA (Partnership Agreement for the Development Framework) 2014-2020 constitutes the main strategic plan for growth in Greece with the contribution of significant resources originating from the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) of the European Union. The PA, through its implementation, seeks to tackle the structural weaknesses in Greece that contributed to the economic crisis, as well as other economic and social problems caused by it. Moreover, the PA 2014-2020 is called upon to help attain the national targets within the Europe 2020 Strategy.

Europe 2020 puts forward three mutually reinforcing priorities:

  • Smart growth: developing an economy based on knowledge and innovation.
  • Sustainable growth: promoting a more resource-efficient, greener and more competitive economy.
  • Inclusive growth: fostering a high-employment economy delivering social and territorial cohesion.

The objectives of the European Structural and Investment Funds of the European Union, which co-finance the Partnership Agreement (PA) 2014-2020, are implemented through Operational Programmes.

The Operational Programmes are multiannual programs that are effective throughout the programming period 2014-2020 and are related to sectors and/or geographic regions at international, national or local level.

The architecture of the PA 2014-2020 includes:

  • Seven (7) Sectoral Operational Programmes (including programmes for Rural Development and Fisheries) covering one or more sectors and whose geographic scope and implementation applies across the country
  • Thirteen (13) Regional Operational Programmes (ROP), one for each of the 13 administrative regions of the country, including regional-scale activities.

Moreover, Greece participates in European Territorial Cooperation programmes, five (5) of which are bilateral, that is, they are held in cooperation with the countries bordering Greece.

These programmes were drawn up by the competent authorities of the country, in cooperation and consultation with the socio-economic partners and were approved by the European Commission. Each programme includes strategic priorities and indicative actions that shape its contribution to the achievement of the PA objectives and therefore the implementation of the EU strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.


Programs of the NSRF 2021-2027 ESPA

NSRF Programs (ESPA)

NSRF Programmes, information on the calls, addressed to businesses such as manufacturing, industries, trade and tourism businesses, professionals, civil companies etc. GRAFES LP Business Consultants identifies the suitable call for your investment and offers end-to-end support covering the whole project lifecycle, including proposal preparation, initial drafting and submission of the investment plan and final implementation of the project and disbursement of the subsidies.


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St.Dragoumanou 21 Zip54629
Thessaloniki Greece


Our goal is to be immediately informed about the availability of practical solutions that can help optimize the dynamics and enhance the efficiency of your business

Gps coordinates N 40 38.649, E 22 55.979